Maximum innovation in Environmental and Recycling Technology

InnoMax is a Consultant Engineerig Company with over 35 years of experience in the National and International Waste and Recycling industry. Owner and Managing Director Cees Duijn works as Senior Consultant and is your point of contact when it comes to services relating to the reprocessing and recycling of Waste- and Residue’s into secondary building Commodities- and alternative fuels.

As a consultant for Environmental and Recycling Technology, Cees is involved with companies all over the world. He consults, and contributes his knowledge and operational experience and thus has clear added value for his clients. From processing to complex waste flows, Cees knows better than anyone which route to take to get more out of waste and optimized


His specialism lies in the design, development and realization of projects related to the upgrade, recovery and recycling of waste and residues in secondary bulk / construction materials, raw materials for reuse and fuels for alternative energy generation.

Specific know-how and expertise includes the following residual and waste materials:

  • Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
  • Commercial & Industrial Waste (C&I)
  • Construction & Demolition Waste (C&D)
  • Waste Incineration Bottom-Ash (IBA)
  • Mining & Rehabilitation of Landfills.
  • Innovative Recycling Technologies.
    • Mattresses
    • Rubber car tires, truck tires and tractor tires
    • Coal Fly Ash and Incinerator Fly Ash


In addition, Cees has many projects to his name where his expertise in recycling technology and air technology have resulted in a number of inventions and patents that have been beneficial to the environmental and recycling industry. The recycling world is changing rapidly, and precisely then the knowledge of an expert with a proven track record is of great importance for our customers.

Specific know-how for the processing of Waste and Residues lies in the various technological developments, inventions and patents realized by Cees Duijn:

  • Horizontal WindZifter Unit (WZU)
  • Vertical AirZifter Unit (SZU)
  • IBA, Incinerator Bottom Ash processing and stabilization
  • CFU, Coal fly ash processing into a cement substitute


The “new” recycling generally means the recovery of raw materials from waste. Residual flows must be processed as efficiently as possible, so that there is a good balance between costs and savings.

More info: Ladder van Lansink


Our partner for consultancy, marketing and selling secondary raw materials, commodities and fuels from waste recycling is, among others Cores.


cees duijn